There are 3 patterns known as Whrol, Loop and Arch sit together and have a chat..
so what they say about them..
This world is of loops.
The loops are here to experience life, to explore their creativity, share the love.
The whrols are alien here. They have come here for some specific purposes only. Being alien here they feel uncomfortable in some areas to understand and handle things.
Archs are here to balance both of them. They support the whrols and control the loops. They help the whrols to do what the work they have come to do, help the loops to make the benefit of it and not get over used or shattered.
So its responsibility of the whrols and the loops to take care of the archs.
As if they get distorted, the balance of whrol and loop both will get badly affected.
They are helping you all to be happy.
So the loop says lets hug each other and live happily together and make this world a beautiful place to live till we are there.